1. Balqiis Salwaa A.U ( 21216335 )
2. Indriani Raraswati ( 23216518 )
3. Nicolaus Try Kurniadi ( 28216114 )
4. Nurul Fitriani ( 28216444 )
5. Rika Febriani ( 26216412 )
Controlling the discussion in a meeting
Explaining and evaluating some methods of advertising.
YouTube ads
Establishing relationships with customers by creating video ads in a short time, but already showing all of our hotel facilities.
Save a cost for an advertising cost.
Our ads are not only displayed in domestic areas but also the others country.
LED Board
The costs incurred are bigger but we can rent it for 1 year for that price.
Strategic billboard place so our hotel is easy to remember.
Display in the form of audio-visual display so that it easily attracts attention of people around.
Interrupting the talk about point (A).
YouTube Ads
Limited, because not all countries use a YouTube.
The audience is not enthusiastic about the ad so they will skip it.
LED Board
Only focus on one place. Because we have to rent more if we want to have on the other place.
Frequent weather changes will cause damage to the billboard because it located outside.
Handling / coping with interruptions.
With the lack of advertised YouTube and LED Board, the company took the initiative to add other marketing alternatives by sponsoring and endorse influencers on Instagram. People these day use Instagram more than the other social media such as a Facebook or a Twitter. It will gain more potential customers and the cost is not that big for an ad.
Controlling the good quality meeting.
The meeting goes according to a plan, start from 10.00 AM - 12.00 PM.
The meeting atmosphere was conducive because there's a moderator, who have a responsibility to make the meeting conducive.
Use YouTube adv or LED board have an advantage and disadvantage. So, we have another alternative. We will do sponsored and endorse an influence on instagram because it can captivate the customer more.
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