Selasa, 09 Oktober 2018


Kelompok :
1.      Balqiis salwaa A.U                 ( 21216335 )
2.      Indriani Raraswati                  ( 23216518 )
3.      Nicolaus Try Kurniadi            ( 28216114 )
4.      Nurul Fitriani                          ( 28216444 )
5.      Rika Febriani                           ( 26216412 )
Conversation : Telephoning
Kania (Sekertaris) : Good morning! PT. Diamond, kania speaking, may I help you?
Kristin (Klien)       : Good morning. I’m kristin, director of PT. Gold. May I speak with mr. 
                                 Alexander, Director of PT. Diamond?
Kania                     : Sorry. Mr. Alexandee is in a meeting. Do you want to leave a message?
Kristin                    : Yes, please tell mr. Alex to contact me after the meeting over
Kania                     : Of course. If I may know, how can we contact you again?
Kristin                    : You can call just call to this number (021) 555000 or this 081947200220
Kania                     : I repeat, office phone (021) 555000 or mobile phone number 
Kristin                    : Yes, true.
Kania                     : Wait a minute mrs. Mr. Alex has returned to the room. I will connected you to mr. Alex
Alexander (CEO)  : Hello, good morning, with alex director PT.Diamond talking!
Kristin                    : Hi Alex, what about the continuation of our project in Singapore?
Alexander              : Oh yeah, what if we talk about it at lunch time?
Kristin                    : Sure. Where can we meet?
Alexander              : What if we meet at the restaurant oliver, which is not far from our place?
Kristin                    : Okay, see you later this afternoon.

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