Rabu, 10 Oktober 2018


Kelompok :
1.      Balqiis salwaa A.U                 ( 21216335 )
2.      Indriani Raraswati                  ( 23216518 )
3.      Nicolaus Try Kurniadi            ( 28216114 )
4.      Nurul Fitriani                          ( 28216444 )
5.      Rika Febriani                           ( 26216412 )

Product: Bread bowl with jackfruit flavor
*for bread:
1. Wheat Flour 500gr
2. Egg
3. Ferment 1tbs
4. Butter
5. Sugar
6. Salt
7. Milk powder
8. Ice water
9. Jackfruit juice

*for sugar:
1. Palm sugar

How to make bowl bread:
1.      Mix wheat flour, milk powder, sugar, salt, and ferment until all the ingredients mix well
2.      Put the egg and then pour ice water and jackfruit juice one by one while stirring
3.      Put the butter and mix all until well
4.      If the ingredients already mix well, place the dough in the bowl and cover with a damp tea towel. Set aside in a warm, draught-free place to prove for 30 minutes until the dough has doubled size .
5.      Then press the dough into the bowl, upside down
6.      Bake in the oven until the bread expands for 20 minutes

How to make sugar bowl:
1.      Melt the palm sugar
2.      Leave the palm sugar until the palm sugar freeze a little bit
3.      Rub palm sugar on bread bowl and wait until the palm sugar freeze
4.      Repeat it until 3 times
5.      Let the bread that already rub by palm sugar until its freeze

Benefit: we don’t just get the main menu, but we can get another benefit, we can eat the whole things (bread and sugar). Our bread is a home-made product, so we can press the production price. So we can determine the selling price cheaper, and make it more affordable for all people.

Function: with that bread bowl, we don’t need another place or bowl to hold our food anymore. So we can reduce waste because that bowl that we have can be eaten.

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