Rabu, 13 November 2019
Kamis, 26 September 2019
Taukah kalian jika sebelum
wawancara kerja kalian harus mempersiapkan diri dengan sangat matang? Alasanya adalah
agar kalian dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh pihak HRD.
lainnya adalah agar dapat lolos dari seleksi, karena apa pada saat kalian
melamar kerja pastilah saingan kalian sangat banyak dan pasti mereka juga telah
membekali diri dengan sangat baik.
dibawah ini adalah beberapa tips yang akan membuat wawancara kalian sukses. Beberapa
tips tersebut adalah :
Berpakaian sopan dan Rapi
Dengan berpaian
rapi dan sopan juga merupakan objek penilaian. Dimana jika kalian menggunakan
pakaian sopan dan rapi akan membuat first impression baik dah akhirnya
penilainnya pun juga akan baik.
Sebagai saran,
kalian bisa menggunakan kemeja berwarna/motif atau juga bisa dengan kemeja
putih ditambah dengan blazer (untuk wanita) menggunakan celana bahan dengan
warna yang gelap atau rok span (untuk perempuan), rambut rapih tidak gondrong (
untuk laki-laki) dan sedikit make-up ( untuk perempuan) agar terlihat fresh.
Carilah informasi tentang perusahaan secara detail
atau sebanyak mungkin.
Dengan mengetahui
informasi tentang perusahaan akan mempermudah kalian dalam menjawab pertanyaan
yang diajukan yang berkaitan dengan perusaahaan. Dengan kalian mengetahui
informasi tentang perusahaan akan membuat kesan bahwa kalian sungguh-sungguh
ingin bergabung dengan perusahaan buka hanya untuk iseng-iseng saja.
Kalian bisa
mencari tahu dari website perusahaan tentang sejarah, visi misi, profil,
konsep, atau lain sebagainya. Kalian juga bisa mencari tahu dari orang-orang
yang mungkin anda kenal yang pernah atau masih berkerja diperusahaan tersebut.
Paham akan posisi yang dilamar
Disini kalian bisa
mencari tahu di internet atau juga bisa bertanya dengan teman, saudara atau
yang lainnya tentang posisi yang ingin dilamar. Jangan sampai kalian menuliskan
posisi mana yang kalian mau tapi ternyata kamu tidak tau tentang posisi kamu,
tidak tau job-desk kamu.
Buat catatan secara singkat tentang pengalaman
atau ketrampilan kalian
Nah, disini kalian
bisa membuat catatan tentang pengalam organisasi selama dikampus atau saat
kalian pernah menjadi panitia dalam sebuah acara atau bahkan sebagai aslab (
asisten laboratorium).
Dengan membuat
catatan ini kalian tidaklah lagi kesusahan untuk menjawab jika pertanyaan
menyinggung masalah ini, kalian tidaklah susah-susah untuk merangkai kata-kata.
Datang in time
Datang in time (
sebelum waktunya) sangatlah baik, karena akan mebuat kesan pertama kalian baik
di mata HRD. Selain itu kalian juga bisa beristirahat terlebih dalu untuk minum
atau berdoa sebelum masuk dalam ruangan wawancara.
Siapkan dokumen yang diperlukan.
Siapkanlah dokumen
ini saat sebelum hari H wawancara. Karena bisanya dokumen ini akan diminta oleh
perusahaan. Dokumen ini seperti ijazah, transkip nilai, resume atau CV, foto,
setifikat atau lain sebagainya.
Jangan lupa untuk
membawa alat tulis, siapa tahu kalian di minta untuk menilis sesuatu. So don’t
forget to bring the document and stationary !
Perhatikan bahasa tubuh kalian.
Hal-hal kecil yang
bisa kalian lakukan adalah dengan memberikan senyum dan juga janganlah lupa
berjabat tangan. Setekah itu duduklah dengan tegak dan membuat kontak mata
untuk menghormati lawan bicara, jangan perlihatkan wajah yang tegang, santai
saja usahakan kalian tampil dengan berwibawa.
Berilah jawaban singkat dan tidak bertele-tele
Berikan jawaban
yang to the point tentang pertanyaan yang diajukan jangan bertele-tele karena
pihak HRD akan merasa bosan. Ingatlah selalu berkonsentrasi!
Ajukan pertanyaan yang wajar
Jika kalian
mengajukan pertanyaan biasanya kalian akan mendaptkan nilai plus dimata HRD. Jangan
jadi pasif. Akan tetapi, tanyakan hal-hal yang sewajarnya seperti negosiasi
gaji, atau tentang job-desk dimana posisi yang kalian pilih.
Percalah akan
kemapuan kalian, jangan meniru orang jadilah diri sendiri. Tunjukan keunikan
yang ada dalam diri kalian, promosikan diri kalian dengan baik dan jangan
berlebih serta tunjukan kemampuan kalian agar perusahaan tertarik untuk
merekrut kalian untuk bergabung dalam perusahaan.
Penutup :
Nah,itulah beberapa tips agar
wawancara kalian sukses, bagaimana mudah bukan?
Pointnya adalah kalian harus
belajar, percaya akan kemampuan diri sendiri dan juga jangan lupa berdoa. So,
good luck for you guys :)
Sumber :
Sabtu, 22 Juni 2019
I wanted to wish you a happy Eid Mubarak 1440 H for those who celebrate
and I say Minalaidzin Wal Faidzin, please forgive me all in all
of my heart ......
Okay now I want to tell how my wide day in my hometown is in Purwodadi, Grobogan, Central Java. Starting from the time I returned to my hometown or we called it "Mudik". On June 3, 2019 at 6 pm I and my family left for my hometown by using Travel services. This travel not only transports my family but there were also some people from other cities too, where when there are some people picking up there is a communication error where the driver and passenger confused about the exact location of the person, and you know? The driver who picks up must go back and forth two times which results in us reaching the destination longer than we should.
For Eid Mubarak day, in my family there was food that is mandatory and must there, the food is dumplings. Well, because the food must there, so at night I, mama, and grandma started made food for tomorrow on Eid day. My job that night was to make dumplings, my grandmother made ketupat and lontong, and my mom was in charge of made a chicken opor.
In the morning of June 5, 2019, the day is a day of victory for all Muslims and my family preparing went to the mosque and did a Eid's prayer together. The atmosphere at the mosque was very crowded that morning, but because my family and I came to the mosque early in the morning, thank God, I still got a place in the front area.
Okay guys, this is the story on my Eid's day ... thank you for reading.....bye bye
Wasallamualaikum Wr.Wb
Okay now I want to tell how my wide day in my hometown is in Purwodadi, Grobogan, Central Java. Starting from the time I returned to my hometown or we called it "Mudik". On June 3, 2019 at 6 pm I and my family left for my hometown by using Travel services. This travel not only transports my family but there were also some people from other cities too, where when there are some people picking up there is a communication error where the driver and passenger confused about the exact location of the person, and you know? The driver who picks up must go back and forth two times which results in us reaching the destination longer than we should.
For Eid Mubarak day, in my family there was food that is mandatory and must there, the food is dumplings. Well, because the food must there, so at night I, mama, and grandma started made food for tomorrow on Eid day. My job that night was to make dumplings, my grandmother made ketupat and lontong, and my mom was in charge of made a chicken opor.
In the morning of June 5, 2019, the day is a day of victory for all Muslims and my family preparing went to the mosque and did a Eid's prayer together. The atmosphere at the mosque was very crowded that morning, but because my family and I came to the mosque early in the morning, thank God, I still got a place in the front area.
Okay guys, this is the story on my Eid's day ... thank you for reading.....bye bye
Wasallamualaikum Wr.Wb
Selasa, 23 April 2019
Bahasa inggris bisnis2# tugas 2
Experience as a pharmacy student
Beginning of the new school year 2012/2013 I entered high school, but at that time I chose to enter a vocational school and I chose Pharmacy as a department of majors that account took. The reason I took it was because I thought that the health school was fun but it turned out to be really difficult hahahahahaha.
At the beginning of the ten grade semester I really felt very confused about health terms that were new to me, i felt very stupid at that time, I was ranked 27 out of 30 students in the top ten pharmaceuticals hahah very embarrassing. But, there I didn't immediately feel the need to go out or move to school because of what, I felt challenged to be able to understand and understand all the material.
When the odd semester vacation arrived, where at that time I used to really study the material that I could not, I really wanted able and I felt it was very difficult because from the beginning maybe I did not like the material, but after a while I tried, reading and asking questions with my clever classmates, finally I started to like the material. It turns out that liking the material or subject could made it easier for me to understand the material first
When entered the even semester at that time, I really felt like a new one, really new because I felt "wow that yesterday's rating should not be written down in the report there must be an increase, even though mama and father must!" By predicted the sentence in the head, thank God. When the report card distribution I didn't think I could have a 12th ranking I forgot that at least it made me happy and my parents finally didn't even enter the top 10 at that time haha. But dont get me wrong, when i entered the eleven until twelve grade i was on top 10 hahahaha. Also, when graduated, i got a pretty good score 8.00 if i wasn't wrong wkwkw. I was happy to has been a pharmacy's student and could mix a medicine. I proud to has been a pharmacy student.
Jumat, 22 Maret 2019
bahasa inggris bisnis 2# tugas 1
In Indonesia, wich is a country of the
islands that are definitely a lot of difficult tourism destinations that must be
tried, example there are in Java islands right in Semarang Central Java is a
natural tourism Kreo Cave. Kreo Cave is located on the Kreo cave Highway,
Gunung Pati, Kandri, Semarang City.
cave used to be watched by the friend of Sunan Gunungjati who meditated to find
a way out so that teak wood was cut down to be saka guru in the great mosque of
Demak. Initially when Sunan Gunungjati wanted to cut down the teak trees it
turned out that the lie disappeared and was found in the middle of the hamlet
and when it wanted to cut down there was a fight between the Sunan Gunungjati
and the immodest population. In the battle, Sunan Gunungjati who won the battle
and told the local government to go and the sunan to swell the trees and be
washed away in the river to get to the Demak, but when the wood was caught and
the Sunan went to the cave to meditate on how to get the wood to to demak.
If you visit the Kreo cave, you are welcomed
by the many monkeys that are very familiar with humans, so don't be afraid.
When visiting you will enjoy the many trees and forests that are very cool in
the eyes and added to the waters of the teak reservoir, adding to the beauty of
this Kreo Cave. Apart from all that, you can also surround the reservoir using
a speedboat and can take a picture as if you are on a cloud with fake
clouds formed from fine white foam.The opening time of this Kreo Cave is 5 am
until closing at 6 pm, with the ticket price of Rp. 4000.
So if you visit
Semarang don't forget to go to Kreo Cave. Don't forget bye bye 😉😊😊🙏
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Tugas 2 manajemen SDM
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